In the 18th and the 19th century alots of inventions were made. During the 1733 a watchmaker invented a shuttle that moved back and forth. this invention made the weaver work twice as fast. In 1767 Richard Arkwright invented the water frame. The water frame used water from a near by stream to opereate the spiniing wheels. The spinning wheel would be made by machines instead of a person.The Lightbulb was another invention created during the industrial revolution. This invention was invented by Thomas Edison. This invention made life easier in almost every whrere. This allowed people to see when they couldint, with out this invention people would be bumping into almost everything. The telephone was a very important
invention. This invention allowed people to talk to each other from far distances or any where in the whole world. The camera was also a very popular invention.The Daguerreotype, a metal plate coated with silver iodide, was exposed to light through a small hole in the camera.The plate was removed and treated with mercury fumes. Later the plate was washed and treated with table salt to prevent fading.