Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The Treaty of Versailles (ended WW I)

The followig countries, Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire had lost World War I. The other victorious team (US, France, Russia, Italy) had created the treaty of versailles where Germany take full responsibility of starting the war in the first place. Germany had to pay for all damages done in the war and lose their population, soldiers, and land. Germany was furious because they had used a lot of money because of the treaty of versailles. They had to support the other side for every little thing like the widows and such. Many historians think the Treaty of Versailles led Germany into World War II. Germany was really angry at the fact that they had to pay for everything. I have to agree with the historians because Germany wouldnt just get over it, they would want to get even and take revenenges. The Treaty of Versailles affected Germany at the end of World War 1 because it was blamed for the entire War. Germany was greatly affected, because they were forced to pay allies.In addition, Germany lost 10% of there lands. All of their colonies were taken away and they divided them between allies. 12.5% of Germany's population were leaving outside of the new Germany borders.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Mustafa Kemal (Ataturk) and the Modernization of Turkey

Mustafa Kemal became the leader of Turkey. He brought Turkey to the modern world of Europe. But to make it large he had to start with the most minimum thing and that was their clothing. He only wanted to buy useful land. Kernal wanted his country to have happiness, dignity and equality. Atatürk tried to resolve it by leading his country out of the crumbling past into a brave new future.In Mustafa's program of modernization, Government and Education had played a major role.

Film Lesson: "Gandhi"

India recieved the help of Gandhi to gain independence from great britian. They wanted to stop buying britian good and to start buying the goods from india.In the year 1920 when the British government had failed to amends, Gandhi had organized a campaign of non-cooperation. But the Indians in the public office did not accept. The British East India Company had considerded salt taxes something necessary. Gandhi being telling people to pick up salt from the earth or distil it from the sea as their natural right. Ganshi had a philosophy of non-violence t hat had to be expressed through civil disobedience.